The first thing people mostly ask me is why I call myself “Jinx?” Well, when I was a kid, my family used to call me Winks. My sister still does, and so do most of my oldest friends. It was probably something to do with me being able to sleep, any time any place. Some people are like that. In my head though, I always heard it as ”Jinx” rather than “Winks”. I liked that so much better. Oh yes, and I always thought of it in the “hi Jinx” fun sense, too, rather than “hoodoo Jinx”.
So, anyway, JINX JAMES it is, ready to give you a few laughs with my books.
I’ve always loved Black Comedy, Intrigues, Stings, Scams, plus a hefty dose of Classic Rock and Soul, celebrity and show biz glitz and glamour to keep the ball rolling, like in “SCAM A-LAMA DING DONG”. It features the nutty exploits of an Aussie Rock Dinosaur called Marc Charles. He’s trying to make a comeback while keeping ahead of all the scammers and keeping his balls in the air at the same time. It’s not only women who can multi task. Why such a weird name, you may ask. Well, here’s the deal…
noun phr.
A swindle perpetrated against a Rock singer, musician or band usually by a Manager, Agent, Promoter, Producer, Record Company, Music Publisher or some other middleman.
Origin. deriv US 1950’s Rock ’n Roll slang “Rama Lama Ding Dong”
I’ve had such a lot of response to “DEAD FUNNY” 1, that’s the “Four Women, Four Dead bodies… Well, Ok, Five” book that I have out at the moment. I’ve been trying to decide how the hell to top that. Whatever way you look at it, “DEAD FUNNY 2” is going to be be a tough nut to crack. How do you follow up that lovable quartet of sweeties? Do I go for four more ballsy women or switch to four utterly despicable men? Or maybe just mix it up? Murderous couples perhaps… or perhaps even three-somes? That should put the pussy among the pidgies… if you get my drift.
I really do hope you enjoy the books and the exploits of all my characters. Please let me know what you think.